Monday, May 4, 2009
This year as I made my New Year's resolutions, I figured I should really work on some that I don't usually set every year (and then forget). So this year I decided on at least one that should be a little more natural for me than losing weight or cutting out fast food completely: donating more. Whether that be money, time, or materials doesn't matter, what matters is that I donate more. This is the one I have definitely kept up on, and it is the one that really makes me feel good. (Granted eliminating fast food and/or exercising more would probably make me feel better too...) Sadly, my resolution to exercise more lasted until about mid-February. What can I say, there's not much I find appealing about running for essentially no purpose?! I have always been more into direct competition that offers immediate results. Anyway, that's somewhat beside the point. The point is, this past Saturday I got the chance to do both donate AND exercise! What a novel idea.

Long story short, one of my best friends had her first child this past February. Through mandatory infant screening he was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. All of my friends and family have been trying to do whatever they can to help so when she and her husband called about walking for Cystic Fibrosis, I was hooked. So Saturday I headed to Sedgwick County Park to get my walk on. Once I got there, I was encouraged to see actual survivors of the disease and a couple hundred supporters. This is a genetic disease so funding always seems short; they really rely on donations. Being able to see products of where the money goes (one survivor was 33!) really showed me that there are greater things at work in the world. Overall, Saturday morning proved to be the key in taking my mind off paper after paper. A good "reality-check" is to do something for somebody else. Anyone who hasn't experienced this, I encourage you to find a little extra time (I know, time is precious around finals week!) and do some volunteering.
Monday, April 20, 2009

My sweet and simple survival advice is as follows:

Break down your tasks. If you make a list of steps to complete what you want to do, it really won't seem that bad.

Take time for breaks. These breaks may be snack time, nap time, bathroom-time, TV-time, movie-time, solitaire/minesweeper-record setting-time... Really anything that de-stresses and refocuses you. If you spend too much time looking at one thing, you are going to become rundown quickly. **DISCLAIMER: Blogger not responsible for distractions that last too long. Set a goal. For example: once you have beat three games of solitaire, quit and consider getting back on task.

Change up what you are working on every so often. Don't work on one paper for five hours straight. Break it down and work on a couple in that time period. This suggestion may not always work. Know what will work for you and stick to it.

Don't get down on yourself. It really doesn't help to focus on the fact that you have four MAJOR papers and two MAJOR presentations due within the next five days. This really only adds to your stress and distracts from the most important task at hand: surviving.

GOOD LUCK! You can do it! Just four (give or take a few days) weeks to go!

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This is the mantra I have on repeat in my brain... Whistle while I work. This week looks to be one of my busiest this semester with three papers and one presentation, there will be no limit to my excitement! Amazingly, I find that I am still in a relatively upbeat mood. Strange, but I find that I "make" my own mood. Instead of clumping all the tasks together, I am trying to look at them individually. If I take them on one at a time, they really aren't that bad! Plus, fitting in some much needed time for fun stuff is imperative. For example, I managed to increase my winning percentage on Minesweeper and Solitaire. Talk about quite the feat. Either way, it is important to not get overwhelmed by what my seem like a never-ending to-do list. If you let that happen, you won't get anything done. Everything will stress you, and you will churn out less quality work.

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Monday, April 13, 2009
So to start: WOW! THE SEMESTER IS ALMOST OVER! Okay, now that I have moved past the initial five seconds of excitement: OH MAN! THE SEMESTER IS ALMOST OVER! (If you could not tell, that was the voice of a panicked student with lots of big deadlines. Just thought I'd clarify!) Yes, we have again reached that point in the semester when everything is due. Except that I think it came earlier this year. Maybe?! Either way, it has arrived. Which really is not a big deal. Usually, no matter how much I may complain, I secretly enjoy the pressure (see previous blogs, I have admitted how crazy that sounds). That is, I enjoy it when all the proper pieces of technology work! When you're without reliable Internet or phone (text messaging classmates is crucial at this point in the semester), things get dicey. Therefore, after all of that rambling into nonsense, my advice is start early. Way early. And save often. (That might be more important than start early...)

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Monday, April 6, 2009
For those of you that keep up with the sporting community - or that just can't help but notice all of the basketball stuff out there - you know that this evening is where the road ends. Or so the NCAA marketing committee says. Either way, tonight a champion of the 2009 NCAA tournament will be crowned. The match-up between Michigan State and North Carolina was determined after weeks of play - since March 19 - and a pool of 65 (the play-in game) is narrowed down to just these 2 prestigious teams. Last year, the beloved (keep in mind, that is a personal opinion) Kansas Jayhawks won the Big Dance after a 20 year drought. While "my team" is out, the game is always a good one to watch. Rarely is there a blow-out and it has often come down to those final grueling minutes. Last year's battle went into overtime right at the very end of regulation. So whether or not you are even interested in basketball every other day of the year, the championship game always provides a bit of entertainment... And at least something you might have something to add to the conversation tomorrow!

Newman is offering a good opportunity to take in the game and eat some wings. Tonight, Buffalo Wild Wings is providing free wings. The game is going to be broadcast on the big screen in the Conference Center. So who can say no to free wings and quality entertainment? Really? I definitely plan on going! Which means you should plan on it too. Either way, enjoy whatever festivities you have planned, and have fun!


Monday, March 23, 2009
Well, we have officially hit that halfway point - Spring Break. This week off was a refreshing and energizing break from the same old routine. While I ended up working a full 40 hours at my other job (my alter ego is Laura Houser-Bank Teller), not worrying about deadlines for homework was nice. Ideally I would have gotten a head start on the things I have due this week, but all that "smart thinking" kind of slipped my mind a few hours after my last class! What can I say?!

Other than working, I spent a lot of time relaxing. I did a little of spring clothes shopping and clearing up some space on the good ole DVR. I also got a chance to see some post-season basketball action. My boyfriend attends Kansas State University and bought us both tickets to their first-round NIT game against Illinois State. That was quite the exciting event! Also, now that the weather seems to be warming up, I am definitely in the mood for some baseball! I am looking forward to watching a few Jets spring sports events. Good luck, Jets!

All I can ask is that you keep in mind the words of Robin Williams, "Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'" Go out and enjoy the day... Just don't blow away!

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Monday, March 9, 2009
While the saying for March weather is known to be "In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb," I find it to be applicable to March events as well. However, I am beginning to notice a new trend: the lamb is no more; once the lion arrives, the lion likes to stay and lounge a bit! My schedule is so full that I just seem to hop from place to place to place. I say this especially because so many projects and assignments are due not too long after spring break. Amazingly enough, this is when things really start to get exciting (and that's not just because it's always a miracle to see just how much you can get done during those all-nighters).

The first list of events the lion brings is registering for fall classes. Holy cow, right?! I just got into the spring groove, and you are already throwing fall at me?! Whoa there, hoss. On the other hand, it is nice to have a heads up for what to expect. My Fall 2009 semester is referred to as "Block B" of the Education Program. During this block, I will take classes that are much more specific to the Secondary Education degree. This also means that I will only have one (at best) other classmate. Should be quite interesting. Once I have registered, I am awarded a nice break known as "Spring Break". A "break" that will be filled with putting in extra hours at my job! I am thinking about taking advantage of Newman night at the Thunder hockey game... For some reason, I always did enjoy hockey. I suspect it has something to do with the fights. Who knows.

Another important event to keep in mind is the Career Fair on March 26. I predict a big turnout considering the demand for jobs right now. Also, try to make it to one of the many sporting events this spring. It's always nice to have to hunt for a place to sit! Overall, that's March in a nutshell... April can wait!

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Laura Houser

Laura Houser I am a junior Secondary Education-English major here at Newman University. I transferred to Newman Fall 2007 after attending WSU for my first year. Since my first campus visit, Newman has been my home. One of my favorite things about Newman is the friendly atmosphere. During the time that I have spent at Newman, I have developed friendships that will last a lifetime. I look forward to what more I will discover while I complete my degree!

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